Ammo, my fellow Tarkovians, is everything! Then, as I loot my recently deceased adversary, is becomes clear: ‘If you had only invested in some decent ammo, you would’ve bested me, friend,’ I mumble to myself as I ditch my fallen enemies magazines that might as well have been filled with actual shit. I can’t tell you how often I’ve come out of a firefight, mostly in one piece and slightly confused as to why I’m still alive.
Instead, ammo is everything! Before diving deeper into the actual ammo guide for Escape From Tarkov, we have to emphasize something important: Not the gun, but the round makes the kill. But contrary to popular belief, winning firefights rarely has something to do with the weapon you chose. In this ammo guide, we go into how ammo in Escape From Tarkov works and what the best strategy is when choosing a round.Īlso, if you’re in a hurry, scroll all the way down to get a TL DR summary! Ammo is everythingĮscape From Tarkov is seemingly all about the guns. But before we start, a small disclaimer: EFT is still in beta so even the most fundamental gameplay mechanics may be subject to change. In this guide series we will take you through your first hours in this game. But picking up this hardcore shooter is a daunting task for even the most dedicated gamers. Escape From Tarkov (EFT) is one of our favorite games out there and we recommend most shooter fans to give this a try.